"dplyr" To use this he data must be Tidy The dplyr package provides a concise set of operations for managing data frames. With these functions we can do a number of complex operations in just a few lines of code. In particular, we can often conduct the beginnings of an exploratory analysis with the powerful combination of group_by() and summarize() . One important contribution of the dplyr package is that it provides a “grammar” (in particular, verbs) for data manipulation and for operating on data frames. PipeLine Operator - %>% It can Perform Select Filter Sorting Rename Mutate Group_by "ggplot" *Scatter Plot* (geom point) *Histogram* (geom_histogram) *Density* (geom_density) *Boxplots* ( geom_boxplot ) line just remove geom point Code 1 ggplot(data, aes(x=quantity, y=price)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth() 2 ggplot(data, aes(x=quantity, y=price, color = size, s...